Monday, April 24, 2023


 I began this cross stitch when my daughters were 5 and 3.  My 5 year old is now 41.  Cross stitch is not my thing and really I feel like the stitcher cannot claim any credit for its loveliness except as a demonstration that one can follow instructions.  Place this x here in this color.  DROVE ME BONKERS!  That is why it took so long.  I think I did an excellent job of putting each colored x in the right place and the design is totally beautiful.  

I loved this pattern with its garden and flowers and especially the honey bees.  Honey bees are my motif and appear on most of my appliques.  My love affair with honeybees began about 45 years ago when I had several hives of bees on our zen farm.  I will have this framed and set off by some miniature skefs I have bought over the years of ceramic and natural materials.  It will make a nice display.

Here is one observation:  if one does not blog often, then one looks very productive when they post everything they have been working on.  For instance:

This looks like I have been very busy but the only addition to this applique is the center block:

This is my design which took quite a while as it was like pulling teeth to dredge this up from my imagination.  I wanted something that would represent the 4 season as that is the motif of the tree quilt.  So winter, spring, summer, fall fill out the 4 quadrants.  It is meant to be an impression of the seasons: holly for winter; acorn, wheat and orange for fall; sweet peas and new green for spring; and morning glories for summer.  Each quadrant has its own colors and shape of leaves.   I am pleased with how it evolved.

Here is a close up of the embroidery. I did the skep in chain stitch and the bees are silk ribbon embroidery
Next:  make the edge blocks which will also be appliqued I think in a vine and the top block which will be about 10 by the width of the quilt (or so? who knows) and will have a sun with rays shining on growth and the cycle of life.

The flimsy of Fields of Flora by Verna Mosquera is also finished.  Quilting is next.
This applique has about 50 different fabrics in it mostly Art Gallery and Tilda.  I think the border is a bit bland so I am thinking about quilting it in a golden honeycomb and embroider honeybees onto the comb. Here is the stencil.  Usually I free motion quilt but I think this pattern will require marks.  The individuals combs are about 1 inch. 

I bought this pattern from Urban Threads.  It is the inspiration for my border plan.  

And last but not least...A FINISH!
My version of Yoko Saito's Imaginary Garden, a Quiltmania pattern. She used blue and brown Japanese taupes but, after several different fabric line failures, this is what happened for me.  The fabric is Good Vibes by Sue Zipkin.  Here is the fabric line-I used about 6 of the different fabrics in this line to make the applique.

Here are some closeups:

So this has kept me pretty busy and having fun.  It represents about 4 months of working away.


Eggs are cheaper now! But I am not sure you can find them in so many colors.  I hope photo is attributed properly.  

I am linking up with these generous quilt makers and hostesses

Slow stitching Sunday
Patchwork and Quilt at 
To Do Tuesday at
Monday Musing at
Midweek Maker at
Needle and Thread Thursday at
Peacock Party at
Brag About Your Beauties at
Finished or Not Friday at 
Off the Wall Friday at
Whoop Whoop Fridays at


  1. Your Flower Garden quilt is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! The honeycomb design will be perfect for the borders of the seasons quilt. She will be another beauty, happy stitching!

  2. Beautiful appliqué!

  3. Two finishes! And both stunning. Well that quilt is super stunning! Absolutely gorgeous and I love all the fabrics you have used, so bright and cheerful. And all the lovely little details - I could look at it for ages. The cross stitch panel is beautiful and well done for finishing it after all this time. I do agree with you about cross stitch kits though. Your trees are all looking beautiful and what a great central panel. I do love the way you have designed it with the four seasons in one wreath. Your floer quilt is beautiful too - the honeycomb quilting will look lovely. Great to have a catch up from you. xx

  4. All of your work is amazing, beautiful, triumphant. (I don't know why I chose that word but to my mind it seems to fit.) I most especially like your seasons blocks. They are beautiful and have so much detail. The center block you designed and make is just perfect. How large are the blocks?

  5. Wow! All are beautiful. I am in awe. Thanks for the beautiful pictures of your work. Your embroidery is so beautiful. I like everything. I get tired of cross-stitch also, just following a chart. But your finish is well worth the time spent over the years. Good job!

  6. All your work is SO beautiful. The Cross Stitch has been waiting a long time to be completed and able to hang on the wall for all to see. It IS a beautiful design and lovely colours, but your even stitching and the black Back Stitch you have added to outline the design enhance the details.
    Your 'Yoko Saito In Colour' is absolutely stunning! I love the close-up photos that we can sit and study in detail.

  7. What beautiful projects! I'd love to have you join my Sew & Tell party over at Melva Loves Scraps on blogspot. :)

  8. Your handwork is so amazing! You are very gifted.

  9. Those applique blocks are amazing.

  10. Your quilts are so beautiful and so impressive. I’m always so amazed at what you do. I feel the same about a needlepoint I did as you did about the cross stitch. It took me 30 years to finish mine but I gave it away as I originally planned!

  11. WOW! Awesome finish and progress. You have been busy. I can not imagine the hours of work they took and look gorgeous.

  12. Such beautiful work you do! I've drooled all over my keyboard looking at each of your projects! You nailed your center block to represent the four seasons and the cross stitch is gorgeous. You will so enjoy viewing it!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  13. You made me laugh that if you don't blog often you look extremely prodcutive... I wonder if that works with cleaning the kitchen haha!
    Your finish is Lovely!!! so the crossstitch may have taken a lot of years but it will be gorgeous up on the wall where everyone can see it now!! I did not know there were tha many colors of egg shells!

  14. Gorgeous quilts. I love cross stitch but not enough to attempt it these days.

  15. I absolutely love your finished cross stitch, Pam. Wow, 36 years to complete! I have one our daughter gave me 20 years ago I haven't even started, but need to as it is a gorgeous Thomas Kincaid piece. Your version of Imaginary Garden is fantastic, as are the other embroidered blocks! Thanks so much for linking up with Monday Musings!

  16. That cross stitch is so beautiful. Personally, cross-stitch is one of my favorite crafts. The center block that you designed for that quilt is gorgeous! I love your quilts.

  17. Wonderful feeling to finish a 36 year UFO. It is lovely and well worth finishing. All the applique work is stunning! Even though it's been awhile, I'm glad you posted all your projects!

  18. Dont worry about the 36year time frame, but congratulate yourself that this beauty is now done!

  19. Wow, all your projects are beautiful! The cross-stitch is very pretty, but my favorite is this new appliqué center block, what a beauty! It's fun to look for the beehives in your quilts ;) Congratulations on finishing Imaginary Garden, a gorgeous quilt.
    Thank you so much for sharing all your projects, and linking up!

  20. Your work is amazing. I love them all of course, but I am particularly drawn to your potholder applique. That center block is perfect for tying in all those fabulous blocks.

  21. I love your beautiful cross-stitch! Good words to remember, too. The honeycomb stencil is perfect--how's that coming along? Machine or hand quilting? Such fine work and lovely finishes!

  22. Well worth the wait to see the end result.

  23. Your work is so beautiful, I love all of the applique. Thanks so much for linking up to the Best of 2023!
